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Bachelor of Business Administration

The Bachelor Degree is designed to give a broad knowledge of the functional areas of a company, and their interconnection, while also allowing for specialization in a particular area. BBA programs expose students to a variety of “core subjects” and allow students to specialize in a specific academic area. The degree also develops the student’s practical managerial skills, communication skills and business decision-making capability. Many programs incorporate training and practical experience, in the form of case projects, presentations, internships, industrial visits, and interaction with experts from the industry.

Entry Criteria

Students seeking admission to the Diploma program must have completed their secondary education equivalent to:

  • Two years of undergraduate Business Administration studies at a reputable university
  • SSM Higher Diploma in Business Administration
  • English at TOEFL iBT level of 80 or IELTS of min. 6 bands. If English is your native language, you are exempted from the TOEFL test.

Core Courses

International Finance

This course focuses on international financial management and international trade. Topics in financial management, viewed primarily from the perspective of managers doing business overseas, include the management of foreign exchange exposure, foreign direct investment decisions, and multinational capital budgeting. Other topics covered include trends in international banking, the balance of payments, the determination of exchange rates, the LDC debt crisis, and the Asian meltdown.

Strategic Marketing

The course examines the development and implementation of marketing strategy by providing a framework from which to identify and evaluate strategic options and programs. Topics: forecasting and contextual possibilities, product-market definition, relationships with channels of distribution, relationships with customers, competitive analysis, financial models for marketing strategists, portfolio models, strategic assessment of offerings, marketing strategy implementation systems. This course requires that students have a strong foundation of marketing knowledge gained from Introduction to Marketing (in particular a knowledge of market segmentation).

Information Systems

This course will give you the following insights:

Demonstrate and gain overview of IT Systems relevant for Business Management including ERP systems

  • Overview of Projects and Project Management
  • Methods in the content of IT Systems
  • Display a critical awareness of best practice in relation to information systems development projects.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of information systems used at different levels, and systems that span different business areas.
  • Demonstrate a deep understanding of the impact of centralized information systems on a variety of business divisions.
  • Conduct appropriate research into the use of information systems; understand the full life cycle of an integrated system.

Financial Planning and Budgeting

This course will give you the following insights:

  • Understand the strategic planning process
  • Translate strategic plans into financial plans and budgets
  • Appreciate the significance of the complimentary roles of both budget approvers and holders
  • Distinguish among various types of budgets, and apply budget variances for controlling costs
  • Realize the impact of financial plans and budgets on the business’s cash flow management
  • Explain the step-by-step preparation of the master budget
  • Apply capital budgeting techniques to assess the viability of capital investment projects

Strategic Leadership & Change

The goal of this course is to help you develop a mental map of how to think about business and organizations strategically. The emphasis will be on exerting influence through strategy, organizational design, organizational culture and leading change efforts. F2F leadership influence is addressed in Tactical Leadership. More specifically, this course is intended to help you:

  1. Develop a set of mental maps about strategic thought, organizational culture, and leading strategic change.
  2. Practice strategic thinking and strategic change planning.
  3. Enhance your model of leading and managing change.
  4. Develop a charter for an organization.

Business In A World Economy

Business today participates directly or indirectly in the global economy. Purely domestic markets have almost ceased to exist. In your career, you will be interacting with businesses and managers across the world. International Business is a survey of the global business environment and its effects on the operation of service and product organizations. The subject examines the impact of international economic activities and financial institutions on international management, as well as the challenges of the global environment including governments, customs, and cultures.


You’re requested to bring a prove of at least three months of Internship experience in local business.

Final Thesis

By the end of the BBA program you will be able to apply what you have learnt to your company, and elaborate your own business project. You will raise your own questions, decide on methods can be used, and by a comprehensive analysis conclude to your own recommendations. The summary of that business project called Thesis, should present an original argument, business case or business plan that is carefully documented from primary and/or secondary sources.

The thesis must have a substantial research component and a focus that falls within the scope of topics studied during your specialization. It must be written under the guidance of an advisor who is knowledgeable in this area of study. As the final element in the master’s degree, the thesis gives you an opportunity to demonstrate expertise in the chosen research area. The thesis should present and investigate a hypothesis or a research question.

Alternatively, you can construct a business plan. A business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons they are believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It includes a description of a company or small business, its services and/or products and how the business will achieve its goals. The plan includes the overall budget, current and projected financing, a market analysis and its marketing strategy approach. In a business plan, a business owner projects revenues and expenses for a certain period of time and describes operational activity and costs related to the business.

Specialization / Concentration Modules

BBA in Global Management

Negotiation Skills

Students will learn how to navigate national culture when negotiating deals, resolving disputes, and making decisions in teams. Rather than offering country-specific protocol and customs, Negotiating Globally provides a general framework to help negotiators anticipate and manage cultural differences incorporating the lessons of the latest research with new emphasis on executing a negotiation strategy and negotiating conflict in multicultural teams. We explain how to develop a negotiation planning document and shows how to execute the plan, how the cultural environment affects negotiators’ interests, priorities, and strategies, hot to distinguish good deals from poor ones and good negotiators from poor ones as well as how resolving disputes is different from making deals and how negotiation strategy can be used in multicultural teams.

Competitive Strategy

The course intends to demonstrate that decisions affecting the expansion of the firm are neither obvious nor totally determined by the technological or economic forces generally associated with globalization. The course focuses on the concepts of Porter as well as SWOT analysis. Comparisons are drawn between the differences of the fundamental economic, financial, and political factors affecting the international expansion of the firm from purely domestic factors. The course studies that the internationalization of the firm is a sequential decision-making process operating at the country, industry, corporate, business, and subsidiary levels of analysis. This course introduces students to the subject of strategy and helps them to better understand the overall impact of internal and external influences on the firm. The basic purpose of the course is to provide the student broad insights into the practice of strategic management, and its real significance in contemporary multi-national corporations.

Cases In Marketing

This course leads you through different Marketing case studies of real businesses using the Harvard Business School Case method.

Cases In Finance

This course leads you through different Finance case studies of real businesses using the Harvard Business School Case method.

BBA in International Marketing Management

Consumer Behavior

This course introduces the theory of consumer behavior and relates it to the practice of marketing. It will present relevant material drawn from psychology, anthropology, social and behavioral sciences within the framework of the consumer decision process and its main influencing factors.

Small Business Retail Strategy

You’ll learn from the ground up how a business is run, getting principles you can later apply to your own business projects. Coursework focuses on ownership philosophies, business regulation and structures that can be applied to create well-managed businesses. Special topics include employment hierarchies and management structures.

New Product Development

Innovation and new product development are critical to the success of organizations and nations alike. In increasingly dynamic environments, being first to market with innovative goods or services is essential. The interplay between creative, market and technical requirements is an extremely complex process whether the innovation is new to the world or an incremental development of existing products. Specific outcomes of this course are:

  • develop familiarity with models of innovation and the marketing and technology interface
  • understand the importance of new product development to firm performance
  • learn methods of generating, evaluating and testing product ideas
  • identify relevant components and plan a product launch
  • learn methods of evaluating and monitoring the success of a launch.

Services Marketing

Theoretical foundations and practical application of marketing of services examined. Topics include the nature of services, marketing framework and the marketing mix for services, service encounter, human factor and service quality. This course focuses on the key elements (culture, communications, strategy, operations, people and technology) that marketers must integrate to establish and sustain service excellence and provide customer value. While the course examines broad issues in managing service businesses and the service component of manufacturing firms, a core theme is a how customer value is created. Topics include nature of service products, consumer behavior in service settings, service quality and satisfaction, developing service strategies, managing customer service, services cape strategies, service recovery and service technologies.

BBA in Entrepreneurship

Family Business Management

Family-owned enterprises face special challenges. The Family Enterprise Challenge is designed to help you address the universal issues as they apply to your own business and family. It combines rigorous learning with practical workshops.

Cases In Entrepreneurship

This course leads you through different Marketing case studies of real businesses using the Harvard Business School Case method.

Advanced Cases In Entrepreneurship

This course leads you through different Marketing case studies of real businesses using the Harvard Business School Case method.

Mergers And Acquisitions

The primary objective of the course is to develop a comprehensive understanding of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) from the perspective of the corporate executive. This course will cover all major elements of the acquisition process including corporate strategy, valuation, due diligence, financing decisions, transaction structures, restructuring options, takeover defense and integration. It will also uses cases and real-world applications to develop skills necessary to prepare and evaluate the rationale for a proposed transaction.

Time for completion and start of the program

The final year of the Bachelor of Business Administration has only two intakes: October and April. The duration is of one academic year. Examinations are held every month. Classes are three times a week each lasting three hours excluding School and National holidays.


Holding a Bachelor Degree, will allow you to enroll in any Master program offered by universities. You will also be fully entitled to enter without entry examination into our Master of Business Administration program, which will for sure change your life.

Cost of the programs

Application fee AED 1, 000 – due immediately, non-refundable
Enrollment fee AED 3, 500 – due after Provisional Acceptance
First Installment AED 4, 625 – due after three months
Second Installment AED 4, 625 – due after six months
Third Installment AED 4, 625 – due after nine months
Fourth Installment AED 4, 625 – due after twelve months
Total Tuition Fees: AED 23,000

Application fee
AED 1, 000 – due immediately, non-refundable

Enrollment fee
AED 3, 500 – due after Provisional Acceptance

First Installment
AED 4, 625 – due after three months

Second Installment
AED 4, 625 – due after six months

Third Installment
AED 4, 625 – due after nine months

Third Installment
AED 4, 625 – due after nine months

Total Tuition Fees:
AED 23,000

Not included in the tuition fees, are fees for nostrification procedures requested by the Macedonian Ministry of Education.

Application Procedures

Step 1

Fill out the entire application form electronically

Save word document

Send to

NOTE: Do not fill in by hand and scan. Hand written forms will not be accepted.

Application have to be sent to the following address:

#902, Al Baker Tower ( ABT)-5,
Behind Sharjah Expo Center,
Al Tawun, Sharjah, UAE
Hotline: 600 527 221 +971 564031122

Step 2

Upon receiving an email from SSM stating we have received your application.
Pay the € 200 application fee

Step 3
Scanned copies and mailed copies

SCAN and E-MAIL the following documents to

  • All university transcripts (copies)
  • All degree certificates/diplomas (copies)
  • Electronic passport Photo (No hard copy required)

Original Documents to send via MAIL:

  • Signed application form and application attachments
  • Copy of Official transcripts
  • Official degree certificates/diplomas
  • Send all original documents to:
    #902, Al Baker Tower ( ABT)-5,
    Behind Sharjah Expo Center,
    Al Tawun, Sharjah, UAE

Apply for a Diploma in Business Administration

Application form

Undergraduate Application Form
Fill out the application form for the SSM program and send it back to us at to begin the process of applying.

Note:Application will not be reviewed until all documents have been received electronically and the application fee has been received.